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Just to say that this blog has recently re-branded and added the area of Caribbean entertainment which takes into light a wide area here is a our first feature with concern to entertainment. YJBeat Ent will continue to feature videos of artists while leaving room for reviews from writers, commenting readers and social media channels.

Our Views
I have no close famelierity with this artist but the description of this video mentions the following:

Leighton Miller represents the new generation of vocal supremacy in reggae music. Check him out as his silky, smooth voice throbs and penetrates through the inner soul of his luscious female fans. Their men watch and tap their feet, smiling as they build up the courage to say “Silly of Me”….

The videos captivates the words of the song, bringing to light the situations which the song ay concern. the acting is the good. The critical area’s are there but we prefer not to mention hence we would recommend one to listen. On analysis of statistics provided on the video, so far Major Demographics are USA and Africa.

Please head over to YouTube and watch it here:

YJBeat would love your comments on this video… the question is whether you like it or otherwise?
We will be sure to keep track of this artist for our Entertainment section and many others(artists) too.
Source: Youtube

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