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Tickeron Unveils Cryptocurrency Market Forecasting And Pattern Analysis Tools

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Tickeron, The California based artificial and human intelligence platform has announced the introduction of its Intraday Pattern Feed for cryptocurrency trading. This new feed paired with its Trend Prediction Engine uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to scan hundreds of cryptocurrencies in search of patterns which indicate buy or sell signals.

Tickeron’s has already garnered an established record in the cryptocurrency market for making accurate predictions such as its prediction of the 2018 bitcoin crash, predicted within 2% of the actual decline. Three weeks in advance of the crash, Tickeron projected with 88.78 per cent confidence that bitcoin, which was trading at $11,000 would experience a 40.53 per cent decline to prices below $6,000.

Tickeron’s prediction for the 2018 crash was pretty remarkably on target, prices were at $6,914 resulting in a 39 per cent decline. The AI was able to predict the crash via its “Broadening Bottom Pattern” which signalled the substantial drop in the price that took place.

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And Tickeron’s track record doesn’t end there, there have been other cases where its platform have made sound predictions.

“Our artificial intelligence has precisely predicted several major events in the cryptocurrency market, Crypto traders can now have the same artificial intelligence at their disposal to make informed trading decisions by discovering these patterns within the context of our exclusive, sophisticated algorithms and data analysis.”

said Sergey Savastoiuk

Founded by Sergey Savastoiuk who currently serves as its CEO, Tickeron is a fundamental tool for cryptocurrency trading analysis for investors and traders. Its a subscription-based market intelligence platform which provides industry news and AI generate predictions.

Signing for Tickeron is totally free but the purchase of various Tickeron subscriptions will be required depending on the subscription. Some subscriptions will start at your $15 per month… you gonna rack up a large subscription value if you need more than one component of the platform, a total value of $85 per month.

All plans regardless come with a subscription to Morningstar’s aggregation service and varying benefits depending on your plan level.

If you would love to test the service before buying, luckily all subscriptions offer a 7-day free trial where your card will not be charged until the end of the trial period.

Press Release

SUNNYVALE, Calif., June 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Tickeron, an artificial and human intelligence platform delivering unparalleled trading insights and analysis, introduces its Intraday Pattern Feed for cryptocurrency trading. Paired with Tickeron’s Trend Prediction Engine, the Intraday Pattern Feed uses artificial intelligence to scan hundreds of cryptocurrencies in search of patterns which indicate buy or sell signals.

Tickeron’s technology has an established track record in the cryptocurrency market, which includes accurately predicting the 2018 Bitcoin crash within two percent of the actual decline. Three weeks in advance of the crash, Tickeron projected with 88.78 percent confidence that Bitcoin, which had been trading at over $11,000, would experience a 40.53 percent decline to prices below $6,000. The actual crash was remarkably close to their target, with prices at $6,914 resulting in a 39 percent decline. In this instance, the artificial intelligence was able to predict the crash by accurately identifying a “Broadening Bottom Pattern” that signaled the substantial drop in price that took place. All of Tickeron’s Bitcoin predictions, past and present, are available here.

The same valuable technology is making cryptocurrency trading analysis much more accessible to investors. Once the user selects patterns and choses their minimum confidence level, the work is done for them. Tickeron’s artificial intelligence then predicts breakout and target prices, backtests the pattern and provides other valuable cryptocurrency trading information. Founded by Sergey Savastiouk, who serves as the company’s CEO, Tickeron is a subscription-based market intelligence platform providing industry news and artificial intelligence-generated predictions.

“Our artificial intelligence has precisely predicted several major events in the cryptocurrency market,” said Savastiouk. “Crypto traders can now have the same artificial intelligence at their disposal to make informed trading decisions by discovering these patterns within the context of our exclusive, sophisticated algorithms and data analysis.”

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