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Super People Battle Royale Beta Registration Now Open

Korean Based Game developers Wonder People have announced the opening of regirstrations for Closed Beta Test’s of its Upcoming Battle Royale Title, Super People.

Players who joine the closed beta will become some of the first to experience Orb Island, twelve playable classes and eveything else the game has to offer.

The game has the feel of similar Battle Royal titles such as Fortnite or PUBG but Super People promises to revlolutionize they way we think of the genre.

Players will have the chance to jump into the shoes of twelve soldiers all with thier very own unique abilites. Players have the chance, as is the choice in any gamewithin the genre, to go solo or pull together a squad and fight your way throught the enemies and become the last ones standing.

The more gameplay, the stronger your characters become. This opens the oppuntuity to unlock ultmate abilites, helping players to “turn the tide of the battle in one fell swoop”.
Don’t have the gear to get the jobs done? simply scavengeand collect materials around the map in order to craft new weapons and upgraded gear.

There is never a dull moment on Orb Island as the island offers players diverse environments, uncover secrets, run from the incoming snowstorm that threatens to take out players if they’re not fast enough. But, don’t let your guard down as the other teams will all be fighting for their spot at the top of the leaderboard.

Super People Features:

  • A Roster of Specialized Super Soldiers: Super People’s diverse roster features 12 playable classes of super soldiers, each with their own distinctive characteristics and traits. Each class’s superpower gives you access to a specific set of skills and one unique ultimate skill that will let you experience different playstyles and combat situations in every round.
  • Strategy-Driven Combat: Mastering a class is one way to gain the upper hand, but knowing the traits and skills of other classes may be the difference between victory and defeat. Unlike traditional battle royale games, identifying and countering an enemy’s attack and landing a perfectly timed ultimate skill are just some of the ways players can outplay their opponents and swing the battle in their favor.
  • Leveling and Upgrades: Two ways to gain an advantage on the field is by strengthening your class and upgrading your loadout. You can level up during the course of the round to power up your skills and unlock the ultimate skill. You can also upgrade your class’s gear and equipment to make them stronger and more effective in combat.
  • Exploration and Scavenging: The race to explore and gather loot is a core component in Super People, but so is the race for resources. With the game’s unique scavenging system, players will also be able to gather materials from the world to upgrade their equipment or craft items. With everyone hunting for resources, you never know when you’ll cross paths with an enemy!

To register to be a part of Super People’s upcoming Closed Beta Test, follow this link: http://geegee.net

Developer: Wonder People
Price: Free

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