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NiceHash has a New Logo

The Evolution of the NiceHash Logo

NiceHash has made an update to their iconic smiley face-based logo.

The logo change is inspired by the journey crypto has taken since the founding of NiceHash, “it’s not only about bitcoin anymore”.

Thus the smiley face logo we all come to know is now a horizontally right-placed exclamation point on a half donut. And it’s a great improvement.

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The New NiceHash Logo

NiceHash is a crypto mining focus platform that began back in 2014 by two Slovenian university students. The platform gained a log of popularity as the first algorithm switching mining software.

The platform has now matured into a multilingual international platform that now serves over 2.5 million users.

Learn More about the full story behind the logo change at The NiceHash Blog.

My thoughts: The New Logo is a nice upgrade with the removal of the two prominent bitcoin signs which were a part of the eyes of the smiley icon. This change creates a more functional logo that has a more minimalist feel.

So what are your thoughts on NiceHash’s New Logo? Do you like the change or detest it? Share your thoughts in our comments.

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