Moose VS Hunger Combines Philantrophy, Utility, and P2E Gaming into an NFT Collection

There is a New NFT on the scene, Moose vs Hunger is an NFT dedicated to “a mission to fight hunger around the world.”

The work of NFTKO Hunger, LLC, Today, Tuesday, December 2021 over 10,000 unique collectible NFTs will be generated on the Ethereum blockchain.

25% of all NFT sales will be allocated to organizations and efforts focused on improving food security and providing nutrition for communities and families in need.

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The project is dedicated to improving food security on a global level while also providing community members an exciting and competitive NFT gaming environment.

The founder of Moose vs Hungar, Josh/Brastion has for over two years suffered from severe and undiagnosed stomach issues. He would endure starvation even with food in front of him because his body refused him anything to eat.

After countless doctors appointment and tests, Bastion was diagnosed with a chronic condition called Gastroparesis. It is a condition which affects the normal spontaneous movement of the muscles (motility) in your stomach.

Brastion’s struggle with his personal issues with hunger and health-related issues was contrast by his brother’s, Zach/Scuffed’s imaginative empathy with the thoughts of millions of people around the globe suffering from lack of food security.

Motivated by a desire to make a positive impact on food insecurity in underprivileged communities, the brothers had a stroke of genius that will completely shift the landscape of food insecurity, charitable donations, and community empowerment.

Thus the Moose vs Hunger NFT was born. NFTs or non-fungible tokens are a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger that is verified and secured using blockchain technology. It’s recognized as a digital collectable and has seen blockbuster records NFT sales such as when Digital Artist Beeple sold an NFT for $69.3 million and and when a CryptoPunk NFT sold for $11.8 million.

A recently released Whitepaper for the project highlights that ownership of a Moose NFT doubles as membership to a competitive NFT-based gaming ecosystem along with providing 25% of sales to alleviate food instability. This game will provide utility for users to compete for ETH and NFT prizes. The champion will be receiving a custom 1/1 NFT made for the winning Moose. Offering a platform for individuals who want to make a positive impact for communities and families in need, Moose vs Hunger aims to leverage community connections to make impactful and systematic change to food insecurity.

The project has partnered with two amazing organizations and the team is excited about continuing to explore future opportunities and partnerships to support food charities, food banks and other organizations looking to #KOHunger.

You can even help your neighbors with just a couple of clicks! Just join the Moose vs Hunger Discord and tell us what food bank/charity you would like us to support. Any questions reach out to [email protected].

The founders of Moose vs Hunger believe that the NFT gaming space is just beginning to reveal its true potential. Dedicated to raising the bar on community-driven NFT gaming ecosystems that can produce real-world positive impact, memberships to this exclusive community will be available on Tuesday, Dec. 7 for .055 ETH at

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