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Jamaican Politics Online: 2nd Edition

A lot has change over the last view days leading up to the local Jamaican General elections but as promised we will continue to look at The Online presents of political parties with focus third parties. I will also address matters that might have changed or updated in concern to our first post >>>   http://yjbeat.wordpress.com/2011/11/25/jamaican-politics-online-2/.

In Jamaica Third Parties and/or on most part are not given a chance but we are sure if their use of Social And Communication Platforms of the web in addition to Nationwide Media Campaign Coverage would Give them the ultimate over joined with some personal beliefs of the writer he doesn’t state here.

Updates to the Previous Story:

I the previous story i failed to mention a number of websites that we much improved and form a basic focal point for elections. It is this method which can be referred as a separation of purpose for political websites, being one for organization and on for campaigning which no doubt adds a nice bill on hosting cost if one looks at it that way.

One such website is this One Which is the PNPs Election Campaign Main centre shown below:

The People's National Party Official website-113634


One has to give the Peoples National Party Credit for designing this wonderful Campaign Centre And hope the continue using the web has a focal point for campaigning. This site comes with streaming, news posts, a list of candidates  and the much faired campaign ads that are at times exclusive to the site.

Now On to These Third Parties….

The Marcus Garvey’s Peoples Political Party(MGPPP)

Marcus Garvey - Home Page-102836http://mgppp.com/

On a Website sense their website is in need of a bit of design upgrade but it does meet our expectation of what a party founded on 9/9/1929 by the National Hero the Right Honourable  Marcus Garvey would look like.

One advice would be to get a more modern look going on the website…. but at least they have a website which can show their commitment.

On the Social Media Sense we did  some search on Google and twitter and came up with the result of came up and empty one which means they do not have a twitter presence but they do however have an effort to have a Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marcus-Garvey-Peoples-Political-Party/299540343402119 which only has 9 followers inclusive of the writer joining the bunch.

i Would advise them to step up the pace but many may take light with with matters stated before in this section concerning the Philosophy behind the party.

The New Nations Coalition(NNC)

A Movement of Hope and Positive Conviction- The New Nation Coalition – Justice, Peace, Prosperity - New Nation Coalition


With the NNC being a New Party a year old and Born in the Social Web Break you would think we would give it some leniency but it should however get the highest scrutiny.

Based on the Fact that they won’t be contesting this election you would go thinking we won’t cover them But YJ Beat has the Feeling they will still play  and important role and will cover them anyone none the less. website we found we would say it was Designed with Design in Mind thought someone like the author of this post would want to see something else.

Based On Social Media Coverage i would say they have done the best with the platforms with them having a Facebook account at http://en-gb.facebook.com/people/Newnationcoalition-Nnc/100001395648598, which is provided as a direct link via their website. It is this Facebook account that has 389 and rising friends. Its Fair to say if they turned on facebooks subscribe button or added a Facebook Page to the mix their might a bit of difference in those numbers.

Our search also covered a group on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2345335621 which to our knowledge is a forum of wise discussions by anyone wishing to join concerning Jamaica, it has 44 members listed and uses the old facebook Group Function/Look.

The Judgement of the NNC is fair but much work is to be done.

The National Democratic Movement(NDM)

Jamaica NDM


Now these guys have their roots way back but have in recent come up with this new website that meets a far match of that of the site you get  when you visit www.ndm4jamaica.org. One has to also give them credit for having the Smallest Domain length, at least four characters short and to the point.

On the Social Media Side We Have no reference anywhere via Twitter or Facebook But we presume maybe they are not shown. This party can concede to having the worse social /Online Existence until shown differently(Maybe someone can address this in the comments.)


The  Function of online Political Promotion is very much in fine fashion and fan fair thought it is not as we would wish it to be but over time the Intense usage will increase in elections to come.

Feel free to leave comments below on this topic and also remind us if we left anything out.


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