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Jamaica Stock Exchange to Launch a JCSD Client Portal Official

The Jamaica Stock Exchange has announced the launch of a new official client portal for the JCSD, The Jamaica Central Securities Depository.

What is the JCSD? The Jamaica Central Securities Depository is the JSE’s subsidiary in charge of depository and settlement services for securities traded electronically on the Exchange using a book entry system.

the JCSD launch poster taken from the JSE website.

Per my knowledge trading on the Jamaica stock exchange can be done via one’s local broker or via the JSE’s JTrader web portal.

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This would seem to be an official to the portal in question found at https://jcsdportal.jamstockex.com/ and referenced in a brochure at JCSD BROCHURE 2023 (jamstockex.com).

The launch event will thus be a highlight of the features of the portal.

Given the nature of the JCSD and my experience with its gaps, The new portal should have features such as the management of statements, how dividend payments are received/sent, and communication with clients(obviously referenced in the brochure).

The launch will be held on Thursday, February 9, 2023, at 6:30 P.M. from the Jamaica Stock Exchange headquarters at 40 Harbour Street, Kingston.

Want to get notified when the Official New JCSD portal goes live? head over to the dedicated form to signup for updates.

Update : The Event Live Stream


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