Cvm TV Launches Website

In August we announced the close of The CVMTV website with a notice of “Coming Soon”. Today we are none the less glad to announce it is now open for public viewing…. or in other words launched. Heres is the Result:
CVMTV Website Today

Features Thats stand out are:

  1. A Front portal which gives Necessary.
  2. Sub-domain-ed Portals for each category of Sports, News and Entertainment.
  3. Documents section on the front portal which should boast their reports like The CVMTV/Don Anderson polls and maybe in the future parliamentary reports.
  4. a Weather Portal that beats that of Television Jamaica website which makes no provision for weather on their website.
  5. a schedule of all programmes now and up next. (Recommendation number 7).
Features to come
  1. Live streaming area which can currently be viewed but is not functioning at this point. There is however the note on this page that “CVMTV is not authorized to stream all its programme’s”.
Our Advice
We at Yahja Are Website Analysts at the best hence our advice can be taken at best. Therefore with that said Here is our advice.
    1.  The Site doesn’t meet our expectation at a medium but it does out run th features against the competition however over time we will see if there is an improvement in the design. Note that White Pages are not in fit with design.
    2. Create an Archive area for the sites documents so that the can be Stored for future downloads by users who might need it in the far off future.
    3. Its Speculated that there might be a video area powered by YouTube to Come in the Near future but Its Just a Speculation on an idea.
    4. We know the footer at the left corner of the screen gives the television effect of a Television Blipper but it does not look proper.
    5. Make sure to make it more compatible with all major browsers. (major issue in IE6 {who is to be blamed anyway, don’t webmasters tend hate IE}). Added suggestion is a note that users download an updated version of their browsers to view the website.
    6. make sure to get a mobile website added that the streaming feature is supported for the mobile platforms that may roam the site.
Website back in august
  1. Have an archive of the rogramme schedule of to a certain date so as to create a transparent outlook for censorship/historic reference. A Perfect timing would be 6 months of back log schedules.
There is no question we have more advice and that the webmaster at CVMTV has done a reasonable job but what about you the public. what are your views on this issue.
Feel free to leave them in the Comments.
Before We go lets give the editors final words.
Final Words from our Editor
“The CVMTV website was an overwealming sight to see, its with our hope that they will shape it into what it should be and continue to to what cvm does best.
There is also the question of HOT102 FMs website if it will be remade to reflect a groupwide unity in website design. Its wide public knowledge that Hot102 is a member but only time will show if it will get the well deserved website it also needs That even Reflect a great Communications Group.
but the websites design is fantastic.

Hope they make the necessary improvements overtime to make this the greatest Television website in Jamaica and maybe even the wider Caribbean region.”

Lance Cameron
President/CEO of Yahja, Editor of Yahja Blog and Online Web Consultant
Caribbean@Heart | 2011 © All Rights Reserved. Yahja Caribbean Online


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