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Clanfolk Issues its 14th Patch Update

The Scottish-themed colony builder, Clanfolk has announced its 14 patch update which brings with it major content updates.

Launched by publishers Hooded Horse and Canadian developers MinMax Games.

Clanfolk is a colony life sim set in the medieval Scottish highlands. Clear the land, build a home, hunt, fish, gather, craft, have children, marry them off, raise livestock, farm, meet the neighbours, hire, trade, run an inn, prepare for winter. Build your home… or die trying.

What is included in the Clanfolk 14 patch? Beavers, Bridges, and Bargaining

From the complex negotiation system to the new map generation tech and beyond, the clanfolk will never be the same. Developer MinMax Games has created beautiful new maps, complete with shorelines and rivers, and new construction options have also been added, including bridges and piers. Also, there are now beavers and swimming, which were harder to implement than one might think.

Meanwhile, politics within the clan and neighboring settlements get tougher with the Negotiation System – long-running events that require a deft mix of diplomacy and intimidation. If things go wrong, a brawl might break out, but if players are smart and adapt to the flow of conversation, they’ll come out on top. This new mechanic comes with two new skills that people can learn and develop—persuasion and intimidation.

Last but not least, everyone loves a good storm – a happy consequence of the technical work that allows for rivers and beavers means that there are clouds, and even lightning now, too. With all these improvements and more combined, the world of Clanfolk comes alive like never before.

You can read the full patch notes here. Clanfolk will be available at a 40% discount until May 5, 2024.

it’s available on PC via Steam Early Access for $29.99 / £24.99 / €29.99 EUR / ¥3,980.

Developer: MinMax Games Ltd.
Price: $ 29.99

The official Clanfolk trailer

Clanfolk - Hunters & Hunted Update | Colony Sim

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