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Apple Podcasts Arrive for the Web

Apple has launched an Apple Podcast web app that is compatible with web browsers such as Safari, Chrome, Edge, and Firefox on Macs, PCs, and other devices, as reported by Macrumors.

The app has the typical features of a podcasting app, allowing you to search for, browse, and listen to podcasts. You can access the Up Next queue and library when signed in to an Apple Account.

Upon first visiting the web app, it has the familiar appearance of the App Podcast apps, with a home, browse, and top charts section. Once you log in, you will see a library that includes all your recently updated shows, channels, saved items, and latest episodes.

The new Apple Podcast Web app can be viewed at podcasts.apple.com site.

If you have the Podcasts application installed on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac, the site will launch the app directly instead of navigating you to the online version.

This launch indicates that Apple aims to expand its services to the web and positions Apple Podcast against existing podcast web apps such as Pocket Casts.

The app notably lacks a 2x speed option and language support beyond English. Undoubtedly, Apple will have these on their roadmap of additional features.

The introduction of podcasts on the web follows Apple’s recent launch of Apple Maps for the web, which is perfect direct a alternative to Google Maps on the web.

Are there additional services that Apple is looking to introduce to the web in addition to its existing Apple TV and Apple Music offerings? Only time will tell.

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