JBA Winner Predictions

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It is coming down to the wire for the list of Nominees for 2011’s Jamaica Blog Awards for which Our blog has been nominated. 
The results are slated for this Sunday January 15, 2012 where nominees will know their fate While we can only give a view of what the winners for the categories for which we are involved will look like.

Here is our predictions:
Best Technology Blog
The best Technology blog category has 4 blogs nominated in the category with that of :

  1. www.Siliconcribe.com
  2. www.Geezam.com
  3. www.Samswebguide.com
  4. and our Previous Domain yahja.blogspot.com
From all accounts based on our own nomination to this category i would give the Award to Geezam. Its a fact that the team over at Geezam Provides the best Technology Related posts with the safety of the highest detail. 

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Image via Wikipedia 

Its fair to judge that we are not ruling out Siliconcaribe which continues to do its best, Samswebguide and our own Yahja but its  fair Prediction that Geezam will be the fair winner.

Commented Support and the size of their staff can give a fair added reasoning to predict the winners….Geezam
Best News/Current Affairs Blog
Again this category comes with the list of four blogs which might be at times unknown[not including our self in the unknown but it might be truth] to the writer but one can only predict from the list who the likely winner will be:

  1. http://constructedthoughts.wordpress.com/
  2. http://yahja.blogspot.com/
  3. http://www.jamaicapage.com/
  4. http://moneymax101.com/
There is quite an uncertainness in this category but based on our research of the nominees …… sorry but here is our research which in it self left us empty.
  • Constructive thoughts presents  very medium coverage of the matter but great thoughts.
  • It fair judgement being Yahja that yahja needed to cover much more news/current affairs issues during that time hence we might rule our selves out in a small way.
  • Jamaica page seems to be the ultimate news/current affairs nominee and one might give them the Trophy as the winner and just end it. It has moderate design, post to date have no comments, 506 Facebook fans and 1,623 Followers on Twitter
  • while moneymax101 fair to judge might be a possible compromise based on what we can see.
In Fair and quick judgement the winner in our eyes is jamaicapage. Early Congratulations if we might be so fair to judge.
The best News/Current Affairs Blog Banner

There is the sad face of those who where either not nominated or not aware of the awards in its second year of running. Onlike its first year we have seen a minuscule list of sponsors compared to the first awards bck in 2011 for the JBA 2010 awards. Its fair to say that the organizers might want to add a little extra promotion next time around.
We can only wait and see who the winners will be aftr thier unveiling tomarrow.
 Source: Jamaica Blog Awards

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